Wow. So, it's been a while, huh? I thought it might be time to catch y'all up on the Rosses. This will be a little summary of some of what we've been up to in the past few months. I will try to break up the pictures into a few different posts.
Andrew moved to Oxford in January and opened up his own private practice dental clinic. I am so proud of him!! It has taken a lot of hard work and a lot of prayers! I, however, was still in Jackson until May, trying to finish up school and graduate. In between that time, I traveled to Oxford every weekend to work with Andrew on Saturdays at the clinic.
In February, we bought a house! It was my brother-and-sister-in-laws' house and we love it. We painted the outside of the house (pictures to come), and it totally freshened things up a bit. We are now tackling on some inside painting jobs. We don't
have to or even
need to change anything in the house, we're just doing a few small things to make it more our own.
Speaking of the house, there are several reasons for my blogging hiatus. The top two are: I was trying to GRADUATE and we didn't have internet or cable at our house from February to middle of July.
In May, my sister and I graduated ON THE SAME DAY. Talk about some chaos. I graduated in Jackson at 10:00 and she graduated in Memphis at 1:30. We had all come to terms with the high probability that we would miss each others graduations and that my parents would have to split up. My smarty-pants mom was able to "hood" me so she stayed with me (and so did Andrew, of course), while my dad and Kelly's godparents went to Memphis. I got special permission to keep my cap and gown a little longer, so when my graduation ended we booked it to the car. I didn't even pick up my diploma! BUT it was all worth it because we MADE IT to see Kelly walk :-) Her nursing school class was one of the last ones at the UT graduation so we got there just in time. I am sooooo proud of her. She graduated with her masters in nursing and CNL (clinical nurse leadership) certification. It was the 1st class of this new nursing program and the 100th class of UT Health Sciences. Here are a few pics:
so proud of her! |
I was so glad we were able to take pictures together in our gear! |
Sweet Husband! Now we're the Doctors Ross :-) |
Right after graduation, I moved up to Oxford to finally LIVE with my HUSBAND!! Oh happy day!! For most of June, I worked on unpacking our house and settling in....and still have a ways to go. I also helped Andrew out by working on and off at his clinic.
I started working at my new JOB in July :-) I am working for a community health clinic in Batesville and loving it. The administration/main site is in Clarksdale, so I travel there about 1-2 times a month. I am the only dentist at the Batesville dental clinic, which is a part of a larger medical clinic. I love that I get to work hand-in-hand with 2 internal medicine physicians and 2 nurse practioners. I also get to go to a lot of the schools and put on health fairs. There is something different every day and I love being out in the community and the schools.
Another big event happened in July...SAM!! Andrew and I are very excited to be and aunt and uncle to this sweet little baby. Samuel Perkins Ross was born on July 4th :-) We are having so much fun loving on him! Here's all of his info:
is this not the cutest door sign you've ever seen? |
Hope this catches y'all up on us. I'm sure I'm leaving out a ton of obvious and important things, but I'll post more!