March 20, 2009

I used to love lists.

I love lists. They help me stay organized and keep track of things. BUT there's one list that I do not like - the Guest List. Andrew and I want a small wedding. That is VERY hard to do, especially when neither one of us likes to hurt feelings. I have to daily remind myself that this is OUR wedding, and it's really one of the few times in life that you are allowed to be selfish and it be ok. We MUST keep our guest list under 200 people. This probably sounds like a TON to most, but in Jackson, MS, that's a tiny wedding, believe me. So, how do you do it?? We both have lots of friends from college we are very close to, and also have many friends in dental school. I also think its very ironic that the people you know "will understand" are the people you usually want there most, while the people who "will get their feelings hurt" are the people you usually feel obligated to invite. WHY? So then you just get stuck.

We've been working on our guest list on and off for quite sometime...but we've been dreading finalizing it. Saying "this is it." Does anyone have advice on how to make your final decisions?? I'm trying really hard to be a big girl about it, but it simply is NO FUN! We've gotta make our decisions quickly because we need to send our Save-the-Date cards soon, as in NOW! :-)

Speaking of the Save-the-Date cards...I MADE THEM! I am so excited about how they turned out! Here it is:

1 comment:

Kendall said...

Aw Alison! That STD is incredibly cute!

I dug through some old blog posts I had starred and found this one about managing the guest list:

I think it has some pretty good suggestions!

Here are some more online wedding resources:

Miss you a lot! xoxo