December 28, 2009

Not quite as planned, but still great!

We had an "eventful" Christmas this year, you could say.  It started off wonderfully...

Tuesday Andrew and I celebrated our Christmas.  We exchanged presents and then had dinner at CHAR.  yum!  I received a beautiful smokey topaz and diamond ring (matches the necklace he gave me for my birthday the week before!).  I gave Andrew a new leather study Bible and a robe and photo calendar.  I give him a photo calender every year, even though this is only our second Christmas, haha!  I gave him the Bible because he didn't have a study one, and because I wanted to give him something special and sentimental for our first Christmas.  I still need to write on the inside, though, so I need to come up with something creative for that.  I must say, my husband is quite the gift giver - always surprising me and always out-doing me! 

Wednesday, Peter & Darcy, my brother-in-law and sister-in-law, came through Jackson to spend the night with us on their way to the coast to spend time with Darcy's family.  We met up for dinner and then enjoyed hanging out at our house afterward.  I love Peter and Darcy.  I really couldn't ask for more from in-laws.  They are so much fun and are so welcoming. 

Fast-forward until 1:45 am Thursday morning, when I started throwing-up every 30 minutes on. the. dot.  Yep, the stomach bug had arrived on Christmas Eve morning.  Our plan was to get up, pack for all 4 days, and go over to my parents' house Christmas Eve morning, hang out all day, and spend the night over there.  Needless to say, this plan did not work.  My 30 minute intervals eventually morphed into 1 hour intervals and then finally stopped around 1 pm.  I was so tired and worn out and still feeling sick.   Thankfully, I had my sweet husband taking wonderful care of me!  He also packed our entire car.  And by that I mean, his entire Tahoe was full, the only seats being the front 2.  We finally got over to my parents around 2:30, and I immediately assumed my position for the next 8 hours on their couch.  At my parents' house, we always have our big Christmas dinner on Christmas Eve, so I was sad I missed out on that. 

BUT, I did feel much better Christmas morning!  I really, truly love spending the night at my parents' house Christmas Eve and waking up there Christmas morning.  We had a blast opening presents and stockings and laughing a lot.  The Hogan family also always goes to see a movie on Christmas Day after lunch and present-opening.  This year we saw "Did you hear about the Morgans?" and it was so cute!  Afterward we packed back up and headed to Oxford.

I love going to Oxford during Christmas, too.  I feel like I got let in on a little secret world because all of the students are gone, and it's just simple and beautiful and quiet and slow.  That's the Oxford I love, and that's why I can't wait to live there soon!  We had Christmas dinner at the Ross' on Christmas night and just had fun hanging out with Andrew's parents.  They are such a sweet couple and are so loving - I am so lucky to have them as my in-laws!

Peter and Darcy were still on the coast, so Saturday we headed over to Tupelo for a little shopping and being lazy at the house.  My favorite.

After I finally started eating a little better on Saturday, I woke up with PINK-EYE on Sunday.  Seriously?  I felt like I was falling apart!  haha!  Of course, I wasn't really thinking straight when I was packing on Thursday (thanks to the stomach bug) and conveniently left my glasses at home.  I had to spend the rest of the day with only one contact in.  ugh.  Peter and Darcy came in around lunchtime, so we ate and started opening Round 2 of presents!  It was so much fun!  We were sad to leave!

Now after the stomach bug and pink eye, I can't help but wonder what's next?!?

Does anyone have New Year's Eve plans?? 

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