January 16, 2010

1st Answers

Are you and Andrew planning a trip to Egypt anytime soon?

Yes! While we're not actively planning one, we're crossing our fingers that we'll be able to go in 2011. At first we were hoping to go after I graduate, so around May/June. The more we got to thinking about it with the Ross', we're beginning to think Christmas-time 2011-2012 will actually be best. The summers are sooo hot, even though they are dry. The winter is still really pleasantly warm and always sunny! Plus it would be less time off from work and all that grown-up stuff we have to consider now. Andrew's parents are going this spring, and I am sooo looking forward to our turn. We really want them to make the trip with us since they would obviously make wonderful guides! Haha! I can't even imagine soaking up all of the history there. Seeing the caves where the holy family lived during their exile, seeing the pyramids, seeing the Nile River, Alexandria, Cairo, Assuit, where the Ross' grew up and lived, and of course riding a camel. I absolutely love history and can't wait to make some, too, while we're there! His parents still have a house there, which is perfect. Although in Egypt there's not many houses like we have here, more like "flats" or apartment-style living. His uncle even has a house on the Nile River in Alexandria – um, that sounds like perfect paradise to me! Not only do I look forward to seeing all these sites and places, I also look forward to meeting his family. My family took a similar trip to France with my grandmother in 2000. We went for 2 weeks, stayed in my great-aunt Monique's country estate, and met lots of family, and really got to experience local life. It was one of the most special trips I've ever taken, and I see this one to Egypt being like that. Can't wait!!

When do y'all want to have kids? How many?

Not sure when we'll try for kids, but probably not for a while, just based on where we are in life right now. I'd really like to finish school first and get settled in Oxford and start working. So maybe another 3 years? Of course, we'd be more than excited to welcome any surprises along the way. That's life! We've reached a compromise on how many kids. I want more than 2 – I just always felt like that was boring and wanted another sibling. I always thought 4 would be nice, but Andrew only wants 2, haha, so we've compromised on 3. If I could pick, which I know I have no say in, I'd pick boy, boy, girl.

Do you have any names picked out for future children?

Nope. I think about it every so often, but have no definite ones. I love family names, so I'd love to use Andrew's great-grandfather's name, Samuel, but we'll see. I change my mind on everything all the time! As of now, we're planning on keeping the tradition of using his name as the boys' middle names. For girls, I have no idea. Sorry I don't have anything great to share on this question!

Keep the questions coming :-) and feel free to introduce yourself and ask a question if you're new to the blog, too!

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