July 1, 2010

Handy-man Husband

I am supposed to be studying for my test tomorrow.  [Seriously? I still have tests?!]  However, I have to take some time away from studying [or time before I study] to BRAG on how awesome my husband is at building little projects for me us and our house!

His latest project was a new coffee table for our tiny cozy little living room.  The first/previous coffee table we had is still our fav, but it's just too big for our space.  After hours and multiple attempts at re-arranging to make the space better, we decided a new and smaller coffee table would be best.  Of course we didn't really want to break the bank or budget for one either....so....Andrew built one!  I think it cost about $50 total. And, it's just what we needed!

I wish I had a before picture and some "during" pictures.  Sorry :-(  but here it is the final product:
He built it and I stained it!  It was a fun project for both of us!

It has a hinged top so you can hide the remotes and coasters inside.  It will even fit a laptop computer.  I didn't have anything to hold the top up, so ignore my foot...
We're thinking of getting some baskets for underneath...what do you think? plain or baskets?

I was so impressed with his handy-man skills! 

Sorry the postings have been sooo scarce lately.  And I'm sorry if I haven't participated in any of your tags -  I promise it's nothing personal - I just have been so unbelievably busy lately!  I promise I will try to do better :-)

Some upcoming posts: Hogan family beach trip last weekend and Fourth of July in Oxford this weekend.

My brother in law turned 30 today!!  HAPPY BIRTHDAY, PETER!!!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Alison that coffee table is SO nice! It really looks like a professional did it! I am super impressed. I wonder if I could talk Danny into doing something like that? Haha!